In Genesis chapter twelve, we read of God calling Abram out for a specific purpose, for a specific cause, and for a specific mission. I encourage you to read Genesis 12:1-5 for this specific devotional while we pull out 5 specifics from this short passage of scripture.
The Lord spoke to Abram. It is so important to remember that God does not want His children to be ignorant. When we strive to stay in the will of God, He keeps us informed. Remember the blessing of having access to the King of Kings and remember that you can hear from Him too. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
He will show you the plan. We should always remember that the plan might not always be what we expect. I doubt Abram knew before-hand the specifics of God’s plan for his life. When you begin to seek God’s will or maybe God has called you out more abruptly, remember that God‘s plan could intel more than we could ever imagine. He has used a single person to carry a whole nation of people out of bondage, He used a queen to save her people, He used a young boy’s small lunch to feed thousands, He used a young virgin girl to carry the messiah that would take away the sins of the world. God’s plans are not always the simple route we might choose.
The plan might be uncomfortable. God told Abram to get out of his own country. He wanted him to leave the place that he called home. He told him to leave his father’s house. God was not telling Abram to go somewhere he felt safe so God could use him properly. God told Abram to get uncomfortable. If we want to be used by God to our highest potential, we need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. If we are always comfortable, then it might be safe to say that we are living up to our full Christian potential.
His plan will be the best. We have all been there. We arrogantly think that the plan that our carnal mind, our carnal eyes, and our carnal heart has mapped out is somehow better than the plan that he almighty God has mapped out for us. We could not be further from the truth. Whom will I trust? My limited, carnal knowledge? Or the knowledge of the One who created me from nothing and who knows what eternity holds?
Have confidence in the plan of God. Abram is assured that he will be fine when God is informing him. Verses two and three read, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curse them thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed“ Abram had every reason in the world to be confident that God was going to see him through His plan. I, as someone who has the Holy Spirit indwelling him, have no reason in the world to have an ounce of doubt concerning God’s plan for my life. Trust it.
Notice that we don’t read of Abram running away or hesitating When responding to God’s command. “So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him;” Seek the Lord’s plan and He will reveal it to you, tell God that you are ready to be uncomfortable for His plan, remember that the Lord’s plan is better than anything we could create on our own, and have confidence is what God is telling you to do.