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Help and Encouragement after the death of a loved one

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week group, you'll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. 

Our Director's Story

Hi, my name is Linda Kyrish and I would like to share my personal experiences in which I've been faced with multiple significant losses. In My first experience happened when I was fourteen. My father was killed in a work-related injury at forty-six. This casualty  crippled my entire family. My later substantial loss was my mother, who passed away right after I turned eighteen. She was only fifty-one at the time of her death. I had to grow up quickly. I married at a young age, but in 1995 my husband was killed in an automobile accident on his way home from work. He left me with a young set of twin girls. And while all these deaths were life-altering, nothing could have prepared me for the next death. On Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the budding age of only twenty, God called one of my beautiful twin daughters home. Bethany lost her battle with drug addiction to an accidental overdose. I do not claim to be an expert in grief, but what I do know is God chose me to bear all these losses for a reason. I have determined to lean on him for the strength and guidance crucial to surviving the incredible pain associated with such anguish. Through my faith, I understand that God is the only path to help you put one foot in front of the other during a season of mourning.  My daughter has been gone for twelve years now, and I feel that I have learned so much about being compassionate to others who are grieving. I have consistently wanted to learn and give back to people because I have had so many people who have prayed for me and with me during my darkest days. I became a Certified Professional Life Coach a couple of years back, and I have always been drawn to individuals who are grieving in some way.  Recently my best friend suffered the untimely death of her husband, I had attended a Griefshare program back after losing my father in the 80s and when I looked it up to try to connect with my friend I was surprised to not find a local group within 20 miles. I then reached out to our church leadership and asked if we could accommodate a program for our town.  I am pleased to say that I will facilitate the Griefshare in our small town.  I look forward to what God has in store for me, and those that I encounter on this journey. I hope to help others work through the trauma of losing a loved one in an environment where they can gain some knowledge and tools to walk through their grief journey and discover some peace in the midst of it all.


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Our Service Times:

Sunday School: 10 am
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:50 am
Sunday Evening Worship: 
6 pm

Wednesday Bible Study: 6 pm
Master Clubs on Wednesdays at 6 pm



​Ladies Bible Study: August 13 (Trip), 10 am 


Grief Share Support Group: Mondays, 6:30 pm (See tab above)


Men's Prayer Breakfast: August 10th, 8 am at

Trinity Baptist Church


Visiting Missionary August 4th, 6 pm, Bro. Kyle and Sister Holly Foster



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