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The Creator of the Storm

Writer's picture: Stacey CohorstStacey Cohorst

Have you ever met someone who is terrified of storms? I have friends with younger siblings who despise thunder storms, tornado watches, heavy rain etc. Not that it is not abnormal to be cautious and wise during such weather, but to what extent do we fear the storm? Like many things, we ask ourselves what Jesus had to say about such situations.

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus initiates a trip across the sea and decides that He will take a short nap in the stern of the ship while they crossed. Suddenly, a great storm arose on the water and began tossing the boat and causing everyone on board to panic. They quickly woke Jesus and asked Him a backhanded question, "Do you not care that we perish?" How offensive do you think this was to Jesus? These men just asked the savior of the world, the propitiation for sins, the perfect lamb that came to take away the sin of the world if he even cared that they perished. Have you ever asked such a silly question?

If we were to write down all the good things that God has done for us, we would have a very long list. If we were to list the things God has done for us that we deserve, we would no longer have a list. How do you think this question made Jesus feel? Jesus came to this earth because of one very powerful word: Love. He loved these people more than they would ever understand.

I have always enjoyed a good thunderstorm. I get the best night's sleep when it is raining. Growing up on a lake, I would always watch the storms roll in across the water. Storms do not usually scare me, but if I am driving and trying to operate a car while the clouds are pouring rain and that skies are filled with lightning, I get a bit fearful. I find myself fearing the storm. Now, I am aware that being cautious is wise in many situations, but what if we were to only focus on the storm? I must remember who created that storm.

It can be scary to fly during the rainy season. The skies are dark, the runway is wet, and you wonder how the pilot can manage flying in this kind of weather, but something beautiful happens shortly after takeoff. That plane will soon enter those storm clouds and emerge above them where it will be soaring in sunny, clear, blue skies until time to land again. God is aware of the storm; He created it.

The point I am trying to make is this; do not fear the storm. Do not trust in your own abilities to keep you safe. In the book of Romans we are told of people who turned the truth of God into a lie, but they also worshipped the creature more than the creator. We can do essentially the same thing when we FEAR the creation more than the creator. We have been told to be cautious of things on earth and of men, but not to fear them.

Jesus responded to this question first by rebuking and calming the sea just by his voice. The thing they thought was going to kill them was just demanded to stop by the man asleep in the boat. Jesus then asked, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?" We ought to pray for safety and protection, but these men did not have faith that Jesus was already protecting them.

I pray that the next time clouds roll into your area, instead of being filled with fear, you are reminded that God created that storm. God is aware of that storm, and just above those clouds, the sun in still shining.

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